I love what Charmaine is doing. My wife is great at finding hidden gems on Steam, but she's always baffled at the lack of reviews. Excited to see Charmaine's impact on giving good games (and developers) their proper bit of spotlight.

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Nothing more cursed than seeing "500 reviews, 97% positive." That tells you there are people who would love a game if they were ever shown it.

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"I reached out to Sciarrino and asked her whether she feels like her team has good ways of reaching female players, and her response challenged the assumptions implicit in my question. “I think that this industry tries too hard to put labels on people based on irrelevant information,” Sciarrino says. “So I personally strive to appeal to who people are in a social sense and remove the other factors.”"

This is a really fascinating point, and one I'd not given much thought.

We use player personas (I'm sure you do too), but *still* think about things like age/gender demographics in our work. I'm not suggesting we abandon it all for "vibes based marketing" - but there's definitely something to be said about thinking about the kind of people who will "vibe" with your game, regardless of their demographic.

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